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Proverbs 24:11

"Rescue those who are perishing and hold back those who stagger to their death."



If not you, then who?

We cannot do what we do alone. We need partners in faith!!!

Those who will commit to pray, those who will commit to finance us, and 

those who will fight along side of us.

You can help!

The after-care of victims of sex trafficking has been our greatest challenge. There is ABSOLUTELY NO FUNDING, for these efforts in Genesee County. Many of these victims need systematic care. We provide that. We get them into safe housing immediately to rest as we make plans to meet some of their long term needs. A victim might need to get back to where they came from, out of state; or drug rehab services. We have seen a travesty of poverty, drugs, a broken foster care system, gangs and abuse which has created a “supply” towards this “demand”. 

Please use the button below to donate via PayPal, or mail checks to:

TIPTON MINISTRY, P.O. BOX 90035, Burton, MI 48509

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